The concept of the assistance and law protective which is stipulated in KUHAP, so far is not sufficient for base of the law crime. The concept is merely designated only for the suspects and the one who charged for crime act. It is also what so mentioned in UU No.18/2003 etc. Meanwhile, in the application of Human Rights, in reality and as a matter of fact, UU No.39/1999 (article 3 point (2), and article 5 point (2) and (3) is still not exactly as the requirement of constitution and UU Human Rights in which it is required that such rights for assistance/support and law protection for the all concerns including the victims of the crime act as well.
In the meantime, the directive of the assistance and law protective stipulated in UU No.8/1981, UU No.15/2003, UU No.13/2006, UU No. 26/2000, UU No. 18/2003 etc, also KUHAP in application of formal law in its practice, even it does not give the law guarantee in formal and clear manner, so that it can weaken the struggle to fulfill the rights of victims. As a matter of facts, the government is not capable yet to perform such rights in forms of material and immatery for the victims of the crime. Such as in Terorism, the need of the compensation, restitution, rehabilitation can not be applied yet, because, the subjects which is stipulated in article 36 No. 15/2003 is still unclear and difficult to apply. This conditions which still not be along with the victims requirement, becoming the proof that the government just look the victims anonimly, not only for the terrorism victims but also to the victims of the crime in general.
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